Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us.
I will go on my knees and ask the Liberian people to participate in bringing peace and stability to our country.
Sanity is a madness put to good uses.
Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.
Common sense is the most widely shared commodity in the world, for every man is convinced that he is well supplied with it.
A lie never lives to be old.
All honor's wounds are self-inflicted.
We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Rhyme, that enslaved queen, that supreme charm of our poetry, that creator of our meter.
True valor lies between cowardice and rashness.
Every beauty which is seen here by persons of perception resembles more than anything else that celestial source from which we all are come.
If you never stop when you wave goodbye you just might find, if you give it time, you will wave hello again...
While the rest of the world has been improving technology, Ghana has been improving the quality of man's humanity to man.
Your personal nature seeks its paradise.
Do it again on the next verse, and people think you meant it.
The mind that finds its way to wild places is the poet's; but the mind that never finds its way back is the lunatic's.
Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change.
The poor are prevented from thinking by the discipline of others, the rich by their own.
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.
Effective action is always unjust.