If you aspire to the highest place, it is no disgrace to stop at the second, or even the third, place.
Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value.
If youre in the luckiest one per cent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 per cent.
Only you can control your future.
The destination of the seeker… depends on the road he takes.
Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know.
Boredom is one of the most blissful feelings.
One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.
'To Start Press Any Key'. Where's the ANY key?
The secret of success is constancy to purpose.
You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new.
Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.
Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs
To those whom much is given, much is expected.
The world does not pay men for that which they 'know'. It pays them for what they do, or induce others to do.
Work does not kill a man, it is worry, irregularity and uncertainty that kill.
Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become
He who thinks little errs much
It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go.
Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action comes, stop thinking and go in.
Well done is better than well said.