Learn to give, whether you have plenty or little, whether you are happy or in pain.
At the bottom of enmity between strangers lies indifference.
If a little is great, and a lot is better, then way too much is just about right!
Good actions ennoble us, and we are the sons of our deeds.
I can see in your eyes, I can see in your faces, I can see you cry. But what I want to say, there's no reason to cry. Do not, in the name of peace, go in the streets and riot.
If the world was perfect, it wouldn't be.
Wisely, and slow. They stumble that run fast.
I can bear any pain as long as it has meaning.
In terms of an identity, an identity reflects an individuality, by definition. And, if there is a quality present, it is recognizable and it can be named. If you can't name it, it means you don't recognize it.
If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow.
Being sober on a bus is, like, totally different than being drunk on a bus.
Television is chewing gum for the eyes.
Any non-commissioned officer is more of an enemy to a recruit, any schoolmaster to a pupil, then they are if they were free.
Your personal nature seeks its paradise.
I may not be better than other people, but at least I'm different.
A great city is the place to escape the true drama of provincial life, and find solace in fantasy.
Animals, whom we have made our slaves, we do not like to consider our equal.
No temptation can gravitate to a man unless there is that in his heart which is capable of responding to it.
Of puns it has been said that those who most dislike them are those who are least able to utter them.
I just want to retire before I go senile because if I don't retire before I go senile, then I'll do more damage than good at that point.
I must not write a word to you about politics, because you are a woman.