Don't take tomorrow to bed with you.
Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.
Experience is the only prophecy of wise men.
It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else.
To live is not merely to breathe; it is to act; it is to make use of our organs, senses, faculties - of all those parts of ourselves which give us the feeling of existence
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Time wounds all heels.
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.
It is man that makes truth great, not truth that makes man great.
Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy
Don't criticize what you don't understand, son. You never walked in that man's shoes.
Taste every fruit of every tree in the garden at least once. It is an insult to creation not to experience it fully. Temperance is wickedness.
It is a wise man that does know the contented man is never poor, whilst the discontented man is never rich.
Experience teaches us that it is much easier to prevent an enemy from posting themselves than it is to dislodge them after they have got possession.
None but ourselves can free our minds.
Almost every wise saying has an opposite one, no less wise, to balance it.
You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same.
Stubborn and ardent clinging to one's opinion is the best proof of stupidity.
A friend to all is a friend to none
Rational discussion is useful only when there is a significant base of shared assumptions.
It's not a question of learning much.On the contrary.It's a question of UNLEARNING much.