You'll never get ahead of anyone as long as you try to get even with him.
Always do what you are afraid to do.
It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.
To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.
The greatest sin is to think yourself weak
When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters. One represents danger, the other opportunity.
In life, you need either inspiration or desperation.
He was a dreamer, a thinker, a speculative philosopher... or, as his wife would have it, an idiot.
Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.
It always seems impossible until it's done.
There is always room at the top.
One of the things I learned when I was negotiating was that until I changed myself, I could not change others.
Find out who you are. And do it on purpose.
When every physical and mental resource is focused, one's power to solve a problem multiplies tremendously.
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.
A man's work is nothing but this slow trek to rediscover, through the detours of art, those two or three great and simple images in whose presence his heart first opened.
Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.
With realization of one's own potential and self-confidence in one's ability, one can build a better world.
Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.
People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents.
Don't find fault, find a remedy; anybody can complain