I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people.
In many people it is already an impertinence to say 'I'.
The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.
Human nature is not totally fixed, but on any realistic scale, evolutionary processes are much too slow to affect it.
Johnny Cash has always been larger than life.
Outstanding people have one thing in common: an absolute sense of mission
It's funny how humans can wrap their mind around things and fit them into their version of reality.
All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.
People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.
Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable.
A person is a person because he recognizes others as persons.
A wise man can play the part of a clown, but a clown can't play the part of a wise man.
The highest forms of understanding we can achieve are laughter and human compassion.
Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol, morphine or idealism.
I just invent, then wait until man comes around to needing what I've invented.
We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.
I like university professors, but you know, we shouldn't hold them up as the high-water mark of all human achievement. They're just a form of life, another form of life.
Stupid men are often capable of things the clever would not dare to contemplate...
He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper.
You climb to reach the summit, but once there, discover that all roads lead down.