Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.
A good idea is never lost. Even though its originator or possessor may die without publicizing it, it will someday be reborn in the mind of another....
Boredom is one of the most blissful feelings.
Four things for success: work and pray, think and believe.
Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it.
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.
Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.
Old Professors never die, they just lose their faculties.
Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone
If you are five minutes early, you are already ten minutes late.
Success is never final. Failure is never fatal. It s courage that counts.
The secret of success is constancy to purpose.
If you wish success in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brother and hope your guardian genius.
To solve any problem, here are three questions to ask yourself: First, what could I do? Second, what could I read? And third, who could I ask?
Real success can only come if there is a change in our societies and in our economics and in our politics.
Never make excuses. Your friends don't need them and your foes won't believe them.
Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be. If we do our best, we are a success.
A great secret of success is to go through life as a man who never gets used up.
Don't ever promise more than you can deliver, but always deliver more than you promise.
Make them laugh, make them cry, and back to laughter. What do people go to the theatre for? An emotional exercise. I am a servant of the people. I have never forgotten that.
A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.