Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!
A pure hand needs no glove to cover it.
You say I started out with practically nothing, but that isn't correct. We all start with all there is, it's how we use it that makes things possible.
Failure is not our only punishment for laziness; there is also the success of others.
I just want to be able to play and make people feel good with what I do. When you're thinking that way, anything can happen. And, usually, what happens is good.
I confess that in 1901 I said to my brother Orville that man would not fly for fifty years.
We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.
Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.
Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.
Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.
He that can have patience can have what he will.
You got to get it while you can.
To see me does not necessarily mean to see my face. To understand my thoughts is to have seen me.
Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit.
My mother said to me, 'If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope.' Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso.
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
Drink moderately, for drunkenness neither keeps a secret nor observes a promise.
There is always room at the top.
Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength.
It's all to do with the training: you can do a lot if you're properly trained.