Never do anything when you are in a temper, for you will do everything wrong.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.
It is divinity that shapes, not only your ends, but also your acts, your words and thoughts.
Language is very powerful. Language does not just describe reality. Language creates the reality it describes.
Let him who would move the world first move himself.
You want a love which is born out of meditation, not born out of the mind.
Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.
Learn as though you would never be able to master it; hold it as though you would be in fear of losing it.
For we walk by faith, not by sight
I write with experiences in mind, but I don't write about them, I write out of them.
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
There is always time to add a word, never to withdraw one.
I think about the meaning of pain. Pain is personal. It really belongs to the one feeling it. Probably the only thing that is your own. I like mine.
Compassion is the basis of morality.
Do not deny the classical approach, simply as a reaction, or you will have created another pattern and trapped yourself there.
The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.
Man is not the creature of circumstances, Circumstances are the creatures of men.
We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools.
Nobody has the power to take two steps together; you can take only one step at a time.
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not.