Turn your wounds into wisdom.
A good teacher protects his pupils from his own influence.
Most of what matters in our lives takes place in our absence.
In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing.
Admiration is the daughter of ignorance.
The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
One just needs a little alertness to see and find out: Life is really a great cosmic laughter.
In moments of great grief, that’s where you look and immerse yourself. You realise you are not immortal, you are not a god, you are part of the natural world and you come to accept that.
Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind.
Property is surely a right of mankind as real as liberty.
The path to success is to take massive, determined action.
And no one will listen to us until we listen to ourselves.
Those who can not change their minds can not change anything.
Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.
Beer: The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.
Attitude, not Aptitude, determines Altitude.
Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.
The place where you made your stand never mattered. Only that you were there...and still on your feet.
Stubborn and ardent clinging to one's opinion is the best proof of stupidity.
Drop the idea that you are Atlas carrying the world on your shoulders. The world would go on even without you. Don't take yourself so seriously.
In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.