Theres class warfare, all right, but its my class, the rich class, thats making war, and were winning.
Even the finest sword plunged into salt water will eventually rust.
There is no avoiding war; it can only be postponed to the advantage of others.
Battles are lost in the same spirit in which they are won.
Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win
There is no instance of a nation benefiting from prolonged warfare
A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury.
Yippies, Hippies, Yahoos, Black Panthers, lions and tigers alike - I would swap the whole damn zoo for the kind of young Americans I saw in Vietnam.
You don't reason with intellectuals. You shoot them.
It is only one who is thoroughly acquainted with the evils of warthat can thoroughly understand the profitable way of carrying it on.
War is mainly a catalogue of blunders.
Brutality to an animal is cruelty to mankind - it is only the difference in the victim.
Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't let our people have guns. Why should we let them have ideas?
Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.
Evil has no capital of its own. It is a parasite on goodness.
No one can guarantee success in war, but only deserve it.
There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity.
Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
Any alliance whose purpose is not the intention to wage war is senseless and useless.
Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.