Any non-commissioned officer is more of an enemy to a recruit, any schoolmaster to a pupil, then they are if they were free.
Central banks don't have divine wisdom. They try to do the best analysis they can and must be prepared to stand or fall by the quality of that analysis.
He who never made a mistake, never made a discovery.
The future ain't what it used to be.
Being an intellectual creates a lot of questions and no answers.
To the young people I say, you are a gift to your communities and indeed the world. You are our hope and our future.
I am not ashamed to confess that I am ignorant of what I do not know.
Sanity is a madness put to good uses.
How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.
Wine is wonderful stuff. But so many people are put off by the snobbery of it.
All battles are fought by scared men who'd rather be some place else.
I just want to retire before I go senile because if I don't retire before I go senile, then I'll do more damage than good at that point.
Freedom lies in being bold.
Of puns it has been said that those who most dislike them are those who are least able to utter them.
A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one.
Do it again on the next verse, and people think you meant it.
You always admire what you really don't understand.
Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage.
Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting our vision.
There's real poetry in the real world. Science is the poetry of reality
One must judge men not by their opinions, but by what their opinions have made of them.