The gift of words is the gift of deception and illusion.
The more intense the nature of a man, the more readily will he find meditation, and the more successfully will he practice it.
A myth is an image in terms of which we try to make sense of the world.
There is no real ending. It's just the place where you stop the story.
Wine is wonderful stuff. But so many people are put off by the snobbery of it.
I don't say we all ought to misbehave, but we ought to look as if we could.
As long as we believe in absurdities we shall continue to commit atrocities.
Show love, compassion, protection & generosity to those who depend on you – in fact, to everyone.
Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change.
There is the view that poetry should improve your life. I think people confuse it with the Salvation Army.
Parents are usually more careful to bestow knowledge on their children rather than virtue, the art of speaking well rather than doing well; but their manners should be of the greatest concern.
Self-esteem comes from being able to define the world in your own terms and refusing to abide by the judgments of others.
When I had nothing to lose, I had everything. When I stopped being who I am, I found myself.
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
All that spirits desire, spirits attain.
In terms of an identity, an identity reflects an individuality, by definition. And, if there is a quality present, it is recognizable and it can be named. If you can't name it, it means you don't recognize it.
Go on, get out. Last words are for fools who haven't said enough.
What's with you men? Would hair stop growing on your chest if you asked directions somewhere?
The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.
There are no good girls gone wrong - just bad girls found out.
To find a man's true character, play golf with him.