Ever more people today have the means to live, but no meaning to live for.
People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little.
We need more light about each other. Light creates understanding, understanding creates love, love creates patience, and patience creates unity.
Some people seem to fade away but then when they are truly gone, it's like they didn't fade away at all.
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
Though I love my country, I do not love my countrymen.
It's funny how humans can wrap their mind around things and fit them into their version of reality.
The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
A wise man can play the part of a clown, but a clown can't play the part of a wise man.
If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.
One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again.
A desire to be observed, considered, esteemed, praised, beloved, and admired by his fellows is one of the earliest as well as the keenest dispositions discovered in the heart of man.
There is no marvel in a woman learning to speak, but there would be in teaching her to hold her tongue.
The U.S. Census Bureau acknowledged this fact when it reported that those with a bachelor's degree earn on average $1 million more over their lifetime than those with only a high school diploma.
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
A question that sometimes drives me hazy: Am I, or the others, crazy?
We have to heal our wounded world. The chaos, despair, and senseless destruction we see today are a result of the alienation that people feel from each other and their environment.
The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.
After your death you will be what you were before your birth.
Human history is in essence a history of ideas.
Humanism and Divinity are as complementary to one another in the order of culture, as are Nature and Grace in the order of being.