Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done.
The body of man is a limitation. Only the spirit opens onto the infinite.
I had therefore to remove knowledge, in order to make room for belief.
When a woman rises up in glory, her energy is magnetic and her sense of possibility contagious.
We may be surprised at the people we find in heaven. God has a soft spot for sinners. His standards are quite low.
Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof.
There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.'
Faith is a state of openness or trust.
Whatever makes men good Christians, makes them good citizens.
You will achieve definitive self-fulfilment only in the next life.
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr.
If I had to choose a religion, the sun as the universal giver of life would be my god.
My idea of heaven is a place where the Tyne meets the Delta, where folk music meets the blues.
Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
Devotion is a social force.
Here is God's purpose - for God, to me, it seems, is a verb not a noun, proper or improper.
I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit.
God is not a diversion.
God is cruel. Sometimes he makes you live.
Religion as a science, as a study, is the greatest and healthiest exercise that the human mind can have.