Having a great intellect is no path to being happy.
Nothing is as easy as it looks.
We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid
Compassion is the basis of morality.
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
The lie is a condition of life.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
The greatest minds are capable of the greatest vices as well as of the greatest virtues.
Fine clothes may disguise, but silly words will disclose a fool.
If you don't behave as you believe, you will end by believing as you behave.
Without courage, wisdom bears no fruit.
The wound is the place where the Light enters you.
It has seemed to be more necessary to have regard to the weight of words rather than to their number.
We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.
And no one will listen to us until we listen to ourselves.
The first thing you'll have to do, is the last thing you wished.
Medicine heals diseases of the body, wisdom frees the soul from passions.
You don't want to lose your old friend - the misery - You have invested too much into false - Hence the fear to be exposed -to be true - to be naked as you are.
Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.
It is not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles.
I know I am but mortal and so therewhilst prepare myself for death, whensoever it shall please God to send it.