Whatever the mind of man creates, should be controlled by man's character
To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater.
A house divided against itself cannot stand.
If you meditate, sooner or later you will come upon love. If you meditate deeply, sooner or later you will start feeling a tremendous love arising in you that you have never known before.
All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom; justice; honor; duty; mercy; hope.
Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies.
It is better to be looked over than overlooked.
In moments of great grief, that’s where you look and immerse yourself. You realise you are not immortal, you are not a god, you are part of the natural world and you come to accept that.
Never ruin an apology with an excuse.
The place where you made your stand never mattered. Only that you were there...and still on your feet.
Share our similarities, celebrate our differences.
Resist much. Obey little.
You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
Do not say a little in many words, but a great deal in few!
Kind words don't cost much. Yet they accomplish much.
When you learn, teach, when you get, give.
If you have no problems, then you have no clue to what is going.
Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence.
Yes, I guess you could say I am a loner, but I feel more lonely in a crowed room with boring people than I feel on my own.
Do not reveal what you have thought upon doing, but by wise council keep it secret being determined to carry it into execution.
Fine clothes may disguise, but silly words will disclose a fool.