If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is.
The pleasure of the moment begins to wither almost as soon as it blossoms; our pleasures are soon swallowed up in time's relentless torrent.
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature.
You are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be.
Close by the Rights of Man, at the least set beside them, are the Rights of the Spirit.
The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it.
Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.
Of all the diversions of life, there is none so proper to fill up its empty spaces as the reading of useful and entertaining authors.
Live your life as though your every act were to become a universal law.
If we are not free, no one will respect us.
Life did not intend to make us perfect. Whoever is perfect belongs in a museum.
Those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often.
By putting forward the hands of the clock you shall not advance the hour.
To conceal anything from those to whom I am attached, is not in my nature. I can never close my lips where I have opened my heart.
It was my care to make my life illustrious not by words more than by deeds.
Let the guarantee of free speech be in every man's determination to use it, and we shall have no need of paper declarations.
Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself.
The young people think the old people are fools - but the old people know the young people are fools.
The gratification of wealth is not found in mere possession or in lavish expenditure, but in its wise application.
One of the saddest things in life, is the things one remembers.
Mastery of the emotions is fundamental to a virtuous life.