Life is a difficult game. You can win it only by retaining your birthright to be a person.
Life is made up of marble and mud.
The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made.
Safeguarding the rights of others is the most noble and beautiful end of a human being.
To do a great right do a little wrong.
One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.
Humility is really important because it keeps you fresh and new.
The young people think the old people are fools - but the old people know the young people are fools.
Is it progress if a cannibal uses a fork?
I used to live in a room full of mirrors; all I could see was me. I take my spirit and I crash my mirrors, now the whole world is here for me to see.
Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers which they dare not dismount. And the tigers are getting hungry.
History is a set of lies agreed upon.
One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.
I don't know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot!
Life always waits for some crisis to occur before revealing itself at its most brilliant.
Some days you're the bug, some days you're the windshield.
The highest manifestation of strength is to keep ourselves calm and on our own feet.
Noble life demands a noble architecture for noble uses of noble men. Lack of culture means what it has always meant: ignoble civilization and therefore imminent downfall.
During the first period of a man's life the greatest danger is not to take the risk.
Certain signs precede certain events.
Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes on.