Thought can be so seductive and hypnotic that it absorbs your attention totally, so you become your thoughts.
Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.
The most certain sign of wisdom is cheerfulness.
It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else.
No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care
At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.
Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.
Gravity is only the bark of wisdom's tree; but it preserves it
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.
Why fit in when you were born to stand out?
Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value.
There are no eternal facts, as there are no absolute truths.
Good means not merely not to do wrong, but rather not to desire to do wrong.
The absent are never without fault, nor the present without excuse.
Be realistic: Plan for a miracle
In a good bookroom you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening them.
Medicine heals diseases of the body, wisdom frees the soul from passions.
The only real laughter comes from despair.
If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything.
Promises are like crying babies in a theater, they should be carried out at once.
One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity.