It takes a certain ingenuous faith- but I have it -to believe that people who read and reflect more likely than not come to judge things with liberality and truth.
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.
To love truth for truth's sake is the principal part of human perfection in this world, and the seed-plot of all other virtues.
A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.
Adversity is the first path to truth.
If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace.
One can not reflect in streaming water. Only those who know internal peace can give it to others.
I AM IGNORANT of absolute truth. But I am humble before my ignorance and therein lies my honor and my reward.
It is the nature of truth in general, as of some ores in particular, to be richest when most superficial.
If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.
Tell the truth boldly, whether it hurts or not. Never pander to weakness. If truth is too much for intelligent people and sweeps them away, let them go; the sooner the better.
The purpose of argument is to change the nature of truth.
If you're not ready to die for it, take the word 'freedom' out of your vocabulary.
It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.
Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.
The most dangerous untruths are truths slightly distorted.
How dreadful knowledge of the truth can be when there's no help in the truth.
Peace is always beautiful.
Of life's two chief prizes, beauty and truth, I found the first in a loving heart and the second in a laborer's hand.
The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.
Never apologise for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologise for the truth.