Battles are lost in the same spirit in which they are won.
Know yourself and you will win all battles.
It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy.
There are causes worth dying for, but none worth killing for.
Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't let our people have guns. Why should we let them have ideas?
Civil war? What does that mean? Is there any foreign war? Isn't every war fought between men, between brothers?
When men take up arms to set other men free, there is something sacred and holy in the warfare.
Wanton killing of innocent civilians is terrorism, not a war against terrorism.
When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard.
The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
Even the finest sword plunged into salt water will eventually rust.
I don't like war. I particularly don't like the celebration of war, which I think the administration is a little bit guilty of.
If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged.
In war, as in life, it is often necessary, when some cherished scheme has failed, to take up the best alternative open, and if so, it is folly not to work for it with all your might.
Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.
Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal
War is just when it is necessary; arms are permissible when there is no hope except in arms.
Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor earth two masters.
All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.