The fullness of knowledge only comes through the awareness of ignorance.
Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.
A spirit of national masochism prevails, encouraged by an effete corps of impudent snobs who characterize themselves as intellectuals.
A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle.
Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Physics is like sex: sure, it may give some practical results, but that's not why we do it.
With educated people, I suppose, punctuation is a matter of rule; with me it is a matter of feeling. But I must say I have great respect for the semi-colon; it's a useful little chap.
Action not backed by knowledge and knowledge not translatable into action, both can not stand the test of time.
Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.
That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach.
Don't learn to do, but learn in doing.
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
The deepest sin against the human mind is to believe things without evidence.
As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible but more mysterious.
The more I read, the more I acquire, the more certain I am that I know nothing.
To read is to fly: it is to soar to a point of vantage which gives a view over wide terrains of history, human variety, ideas, shared experience and the fruits of many inquiries.
Courage, conviction and confidence.
What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to a human soul.
Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment.
The most important part of teaching is to teach what it is to know.