The great difficulty in education is to get experience out of ideas.
Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.
For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there is no good evidence either way.
All sciences are vain and full of errors that are not born of Experience, the mother of all Knowledge.
My alma mater was books, a good library.... I could spend the rest of my life reading, just satisfying my curiosity.
Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.
My weapon is literature
Books are for people who wish they were somewhere else.
Learning gives creativity, Creativity leads to thinking, Thinking provides knowledge, Knowledge makes you great.
Liberty without Learning is always in peril and Learning without Liberty is always in vain.
Evil being the root of mystery, pain is the root of knowledge.
Medicine is my lawful wife and literature my mistress; when I get tired of one, I spend the night with the other.
The knowledge of all things is possible
Education is a human right with immense power to transform. On its foundation rest the cornerstones of freedom, democracy and sustainable human development.
Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.
The schools ain't what they used to be and never was.
To read is to fly: it is to soar to a point of vantage which gives a view over wide terrains of history, human variety, ideas, shared experience and the fruits of many inquiries.
Action not backed by knowledge and knowledge not translatable into action, both can not stand the test of time.
I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well.