No matter how big the lie; repeat it often enough and the masses will regard it as the truth.
The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism.
The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool.
If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.
A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.
To love truth for truth's sake is the principal part of human perfection in this world, and the seed-plot of all other virtues.
Rats and roaches live by competition under the laws of supply and demand; it is the privilege of human beings to live under the laws of justice and mercy.
If someone thinks that peace and love are just a cliche that must have been left behind in the 60s, that's a problem. Peace and love are eternal.
How dreadful knowledge of the truth can be when there's no help in the truth.
It is truth that liberates, not your effort to be free.
Man is always prey to his truths. Once he has admitted them, he cannot free himself from them.
I hope that real love and truth are stronger in the end than any evil or misfortune in the world.
A truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent.
Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.
Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons.
It is not worthy of a speaker of truth to curse people.
I quote others only to better express myself.
Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being, first and foremost, and as such I'm for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.
I believe we are here on the planet Earth to live, grow up and do what we can to make this world a better place for all people to enjoy freedom.
The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple.