It is the task of a good man to help those in misfortune.
Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their neck saying, 'Make me feel important.' Never forget this message when working with people.
Manifest plainness, Embrace simplicity, Reduce selfishness, Have few desires.
Happiness is an expression of the soul in considered actions.
As a rock star, I have two instincts, I want to have fun, and I want to change the world. I have a chance to do both.
The person who seeks all their applause from outside has their happiness in another's keeping .
Happiness can exist only in acceptance.
No one has a right to consume happiness without producing it.
It is of practical value to learn to like yourself. Since you must spend so much time with yourself you might as well get some satisfaction out of the relationship.
Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length.
Happy is he who causes a scandal
Happiness is a virtue, not its reward.
Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears.
But happiness is no respecter of persons.
The lonely one offers his hand too quickly to whomever he encounters.
Happiness is the settling of the soul into its most appropriate spot.
To be happy you must have taken the measure of your powers, tasted the fruits of your passion, and learned your place in the world.
Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.
Recommend to your children virtues, that alone can make them happy, not gold.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.
There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness.